Happily Married ♥

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Second Check-up, Lab Results et al

We had our second check-up last September 17, 2011, a Saturday. My mom and dad went with me because James had work even on Saturdays. We arrived around 8:30 in the morning and we had to wait for the doctor for more than an hour but twas worth the wait! I learned a lot again that day and I was able to ask the doctor questions I mean to ask. I reported that I started throwing up the day before our check up and she said "Oh, dapat patapos ka na!" and numbness which is due to lack of Vitamin B. We used the doppler this time but the doctor had a hard time looking my baby's heart beat. Maybe because of the fats. Hehe! It was funny the doctor had to hear my stomach growling lol! But after a few minutes and tries, the doctor, me, the secretary and my mom (hopefully) heard my baby's strong heart beat! Thank God my baby is fine! :)  Dra. Miller have clay model of babies. She showed me exactly how big a three-month old baby and it was amazing! The organs are complete and in place yet it's only as big as my thumb! My mom and I were amazed and my mom kept saying "Taba pala yan, kasing laki lang ng thumb si baby eh!".

On my 11th week, I started throwing up. September 16, 2011 to be exact. It was in the afternoon at the shop, then in the evening at home. My worst was September 18, 2011, the day we went to church and had to take mom to the airport. I kept throwing up and I couldn't stop! I wasn't able to eat lunch and even drink. Thank God  the other days were just "normal". Normal meaning not severe haha! I would go to the sink in the morning when I wake up or after eating breakfast so I had to take my vitamins after it. Then a few sink visits in the afternoon then a few in the evening. It was exhausting. :( But! Today is different! No sink visit since the morning so I'm guessing yesterday was my last day! Yipeee! I'm lucky I didn't have to go through this "morning sickness" since day 1 of pregnancy. It only lasted a week and two days.

Dra. Miller changed my vitamins for this month. We had Folic Acid (For baby's development) and Vitamin B last month and this month it's still Folic Acid but a different brand and Caltrate for calcium. 

I almost forgot, we already had the lab results and praise God they were fine, results are between normal values! Really, I'm grateful to God because I don't have diabetes! Thank you God! Everything is fine except for my urinalysis, I have moderate bacteria so I have to drink antibiotics and have my urine tested after 7 days of antibiotics. This is very important because the doctor said UTI is one of the many reasons for miscarriage. BTW, my blood type is AB+, a type that's hard to find. Sheez, I'm rare! Haha! It's a good thing me and my husband to be have the same type.

That's it for now! Will update this if something comes up! Ciao!

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