Happily Married ♥

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, July 17, 2011


James' and Mine
At long last! Been craving for a Blackberry for months now and finally I have one - in purple!

I've always wanted to have my own BB. I would always take my mom's BB and explore it. Since my fiance bought me an iPhone on my last birthday, I never told him I wanted a BB phone 'cause he might think I'm never satisfied Hehe! Until one day, he was the one who brought up the topic. He wants a BB, too! Before I just want the color black but I found out that it comes in red, purple, pink and dark gray, too so I thought if ever I'm buying one it would be in pink or purple. James likes the color red but I think the red one is Globe locked and not available anymore so he settled for the black one. Purple's not my favorite color. My favorite is pink however, the purple one looks more appealing than the pink one. 

We finally bought one each last Saturday and we're both super happy, especially me! :-) 


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