Happily Married ♥

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Reunited ♥

After ages of not seeing them, finally, a date with the girls I grew up with! 

Staying friends over distance and time :) 

It was just plain fun and laughter! Being with them makes me forget about my crazy little world. I wish I could be with them every single day, like 10 months ago. I also wish we could get together more often and next time, Kim, Jo Anne, Dian, Rakan and the others (including the kids!) could go as well. 

Thanks, Mae for bringing your camera and thank you Lord for an ohsome day! *wink



Saturday, June 11, 2011

My Brand New-Second Hand Ipod!

Though I'm not the type of person who listens to music all the time, I'm glad my brother gave me his iPod! It's an old iPod Nano (2nd gen) yay!

I once had an iPod video and a 4th gen shuffle but they always end up unused, inside their box. So my other brother, Gab, used the video and I gave my shuffle to James, which got lost few months ago. I have an iPhone but I'm just too lazy to put some music. I don't know why but I prefer listening to the radio whenever I feel like listening to music. 

I'll try my very best to use my iPod. I'm glad it's pre-loaded with songs I like. All I have to do is use it! Thanks, brother!