Happily Married ♥

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Grand Baby Fair 2012 - Part 2!

I knew there would be plenty of people. I read it on a blog and on GT, of course, my number one reliable source :) At first I didn't know where to go. I was confused! Haha! The first booth I saw was Avent. My goal really is to buy a breast pump and just go window shopping, well, I only had P3,000 cash in hand. A week before the sale, we already bought most of the things he will be needing that's why I didn't brought cash. My cousin and I started walking and walking (and walking) before buying anything and my gulay there are lots (and I mean lots!) of baby things! I had to get hold of my self!

After one good look at the whole area, I decided to get pang-alis clothes for Miguel and few little things on his list. 

We also saw Medela and after thinking more than a hundred times, I decided to get a Medela Harmony manual breast pump instead of Avent.
1. Budget friendly
2. Hospital grade like Avent
3. Bigger discount
4. Highly recommended in GT :)
I'm so happppppy! :D

My Medela Harmony manual pump is sale at P3,300. Price before was around P4,500. :)

After hours inside the fair, my cousin decided to call it a day. I went with her to the FX terminal and while waiting for my parents I went back inside! Hahaha! :D 

I sat down for more than 30 minutes to relax my legs a bit and enjoyed watching other mommies and daddies go gaga. It was really hard to walk around with a push cart or even with a basket. Wow, I've been to wedding fairs/bridal fairs but this baby fair is s-u-p-e-r! Too much people!

When my parents got to the fair, they, too, checked what's on sale. My father got excited again we ended up buying a crib and a stroller for Miguel - which I think is a steal! My mom and dad said "sayang yung discount!" The crib is more than 50% on sale! 

The cashier line is approximately 250 meters loooong... 

I spent more than what I have and ended up using my credit card. My hubby wasn't with me but I made sure he knows what I'm buying. When we got home, I showed him everything including the crib and the stroller - I'm glad he was happy, too! I'm happy I was able to get hold of my self. There are just too many things for my little one and I just kept thinking "does he need this?'' and I'm glad I was able to control my self. Naks! I feel matured! Hehe! I'm a compulsive buyer most of the time, by the way. ;) I felt fulfilled when I bought the pump, and on a high when we bought the crib and stroller. :D The swag-bag is very nice, too!
Swag-bag free for every P2,000 single receipt purchase.

Inside the bag :)

I wish the baby fair event happens twice a year. 


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